bill cloud

Too Close to the Edge | Ki Tetze | Bill Cloud

Bill Cloud Dives Deep into America's UNCIVIL War | The Weekly Scroll | Ep 01

Follow God or Follow Ba'al | Re’eh | Bill Cloud

Are We A Legislature or A Judiciary? | Shoftim | Bill Cloud

A Threat to America: Hamas Is Coming | The Weekly Scroll with Bill Cloud | Ep 03

Exposing the myth of American Democracy | The Weekly Scroll with Bill Cloud | Ep 02

The Shaking has Begun! The World is Preparing for the Lawless One

Preparing to Fulfill Our Purpose | TEACHING ONLY | Bill Cloud

'The Kiss of Family' - Pastor Bill Lytell

Play Your Position | B’midbar | Bill Cloud

Q&A Midrash | Bill Cloud | Jacob's Tent

Q&A Midrash | Bill Cloud | Jacob's Tent

Rosh Chodesh | Elul | Bill Cloud

Preparing to Fulfill Our Purpose | Ekev | Bill Cloud

Preparing To Sit At the Lord's Table | Metzorah | Bill Cloud

Faithful To The End | V’etchanan | Bill Cloud

When There's War in Heaven | D’varim | Bill Cloud

Once The Door Is Shut | Shabbat Chol HaMo’ed Pesach | Bill Cloud

Where Is Palestine? | Bill Cloud

Once The Door Is Shut | TEACHING ONLY | Bill Cloud

And the Plague Was Stopped | Pinchas | Bill Cloud

Sons of Korah | Korah | Bill Cloud

Heart of the Torah | Kedoshim | Bill Cloud

No Weapon Shall Prosper | Balak | Bill Cloud